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"The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others"

Mahatma Gandhi

Gandhi's words perfectly exemplify our team of volunteers. Men and women with a high sense of purpose, whose effort at the service of Adefagua is a key factor in the daily task of working for a complete state of emotional, psychological, physical and social well-being of children and adults and all those who place your trust in Adefagua.

OUR VoluntEERs

Nuestros voluntarios aportan desde su experiencia y en diferentes areas profesionales, te invitamos

a unirte a nuestro voluntarariado e impactar de forma positiva la salud mental en Guatemala


Voluntarios para servicios psicología


Voluntarios para servicios adminitrativo


Voluntarios para servicios de mercadeo

​Join our team of volunteers

Make your request through the following form

Thank you for your message!

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